
Qualified Educational Institutions Can Obtain 10-User Site Licenses For Only $599.90!
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  Get The Best Educational Software For Your Technical Class: ProRacing Sim, LLC., engine and vehicle simulation software offers an ideal learning environment. Each simulation package has been carefully designed to be intuitive, even for the beginner. Let your student's experiment with “what-if” selections and learn the basics and complexities of engines and vehicle dynamics first-hand.

Now you can purchase a 10-User Site License for your class for the cost of one full package ($149.95) plus nine more at only $49.95 each (you save $900 over standard pricing). Put years of development and millions of dollars to work for you and your students. ProRacing Sim Software will be the best teaching “assistant” you've ever had in your class.

For more information and to have a sales representative contact you, please fill out the form below or call:
        Diana,  Office: 901-259-2355

If you wish to place an order, please call our order desk (901-259-2355). We'll send your Site License package via 2nd Day Air (shipping costs included).

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